Visiting  Scholars

Since 1990, the North American Studies Program has welcomed more than 30 U.S. American and Canadian visiting professors and scholars. Our current visiting scholars are Dr. Matt Sheedy from Canada and Prof. Bryan Wagner from UC Berkeley, California.

Among those who have visited us in the past are:

Lilly Goren (Political Science, Carroll University)

Ian Robinson (Film and Media Studies, Queen's University)

Justin Sully (Cultural Studies, University of Alberta)

Andrew Pendakis (English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University)

Katherine Verhagen (English, University of Toronto)

Timothy Kaposy (Cultural Studies, George Mason University)

Mark McCutcheon (Literary and Theatre Studies, University of Guelph)

Peter Hay (Law, Emory University)

John Hellmann (American Studies, Ohio State University)

George Hutchinson (American Literature, University of Indiana)

Anne Firor Scott (History, Duke University)

Elliott Shore (History, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)

Paul Ashdown (Media & Communication, University of Tennessee)

David G. Haglund (Political Science, Queen’s University)

Eva-Marie Kröller (English, University of British Columbia)

Hamilton Cravens (History, Iowa State University)

Susan V. Donaldson (American Literature, College of William and Mary)

Steven Hoelscher (American Studies, University of Texas at Austin)

John Gates (Native American and Legal Studies, University of New Mexico)

Our resident faculty is supported by a number of instructors, who have helped us extend and diversify the range of courses taught. Among those who have worked with us are Dr. Hannes Bergthaller; Susanne Breuer, M.A.; Tanja Mitchell, M.A.; Dr. Peter Schniering; PD Dr. Axel Stähler; Dr. Rasmus Tinbergen; and Dr. Petra Wittke-Rüdiger.

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